Combining A.I, neuroscience and gaze-tracking for the development of tools appropriate for ambulatory use in immersive adaptative neurological performance therapy


Digital biomarkers such as gaze tracking and EEG have been used for several decades in neurological research. The opportunities for these devices have been limited by their inability to be used in ambulatory tasks or more broadly in everyday life. Today’s studies on brain health and postural function require stationary subjects. Combining the expertise of Saccade Analytics and Beam me Up Labs, and with support from (Anouk Lab name) to test both EEG and gaze-tracking tools in ambulatory VR environments in order to develop tools appropriate for adaptive neurological performance therapy. Collaborative research project to better combat the damage of Alzheimer’s disease and other states of declination or cognitive and emotional health disorder, by strengthening and integrating complementary technologies of AI, eye tracking, brain interface, biometry and reality Virtual. Beam Me Up’s platform and Saccade AI based analytics technology, will allow to quickly and easily deploy personalized experiences of therapies that adapt in real time to the patient, for maximum efficiency. This is made possible by intelligent content control agents, at the base of the system, which adapt the contents of the immersive therapy scenes to maximum efficiency for each individual needs. The project will mainly increase the level of maturity of the technologies of the 2 companies, add the capacity to deploy in real situations of free movement and seek to adapt the tools to different states of cognitive declination of patients, as well as adapt well to the real environment. and seek to facilitate accessibility to these solutions, to residences for the elderly.
