Watch-HOP Platform - Adaptive Study
The current pandemic is leading the public health network to face unprecedented operational logistics. The issue that the project addresses is the lack of evidence-based information from predicting the progression (improvement or deterioration) of physical (especially lung capacity) and cognitive health status of infected patients or individuals at risk of being infected with VIDOC-19. The Watch-HOP platform uses sensors and actuators to measure vital signs in order to provide real-world evidence on two use cases (infected patients and asymptomatic at-risk individuals) in a hospital setting. The platform also includes an interactive questionnaire that allows two-way communication (from the patient to the healthcare professional but also from the healthcare professional to the patient). These data will be compared to the way of doing things and will be used to test prediction algorithms to obtain a tool to assist the associated decision-making process of healthcare professionals in hospitals. The project’s first objective is to determine whether this platform could support the organization of services in hospital or healthcare institutions in the context of a pandemic and make these environments safer for its professionals and healthcare staff. In the longer term, the project aims to validate the usefulness of capturing biometric data in predicting the deterioration of the health status of patients with IDVOC-19 and thus potentially reduce preventive or unnecessary hospitalizations. This will make it possible to support care trajectories upstream (pre-hospitalization) and downstream (post-hospitalization) through its ability to inform and predict changes in the health status of patients in their living environment.