Development and implementation of a web platform for the systematic evaluation of the response to the intervention of a clientele suffering from personality disorders and the training of workers within the Centres intégrés universitaires de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)


The innovation project is the development of a Platform for Evaluation, Intervention and Research in Support of Organizations (PEIRSO) on personality disorders. The platform consists of a secure section for professionals working in the RSSS which will allow 1) to administer a systematic computerized assessment procedure using valid self-administered questionnaires to collect clinical data, in order to document response to interventions by the production of an automated summary report written in a plain language; and 2) to consult valid instruments, interpretation and intervention manuals of evidence-based approaches, training videos, research results, and access to synchronous virtual classes of consultation between colleagues. Access to general information, available resources and useful clinical and bibliographic references on personality disorders will be available to professionals and to the community on the public section. The project addresses the lack of (1) standardized procedure for continuous evaluation of trait severity, impact, intensity, and chronicity of symptoms, as well as the degree of client dysfunction, (2) systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of practices, and (3) widely disseminated evidence-based training programs on personality disorders for professionals.
