MEDTEQ+ Orbit Health Program: 6 Canadian Companies to Support Astronauts and Remote Communities through Health Technology Innovations

Montreal, July 10th, 2024 — Deep Breathe Inc., Applications MD, Momentum Health, NURA Medical, ECOGENE-21 and Myomar Molecular are the Canadian companies selected as part of the Orbit Health program powered by MEDTEQ+, which aims to support Canadian companies in the development of technologies to meet telemedicine and autonomous healthcare needs on Earth and in space.

Visual: Myomar Molecular

Six Innovations for Space Medicine and Telemedicine to Meet the Health Needs of Astronauts and Canadians
The innovations chosen for Orbit Health will have a direct impact on the wellbeing of Canadians, supporting healthcare professionals in their daily tasks.
• Frontier Lung from Deep Breathe Inc.: A real-time, portable, AI-enabled lung ultrasound to diagnose interstitial syndrome.
• EZResus Space from Applications MD: A resuscitation assistant to save lives, from space to remote communities.
• Momentum Spine from Momentum Health: AI-based imaging platform to remotely monitor and diagnose astronauts’ spine health longitudinally.
NURA Medical: The development of a body mass monitoring and decision-support system to reduce medication errors in remote areas.
ECOGENE-21: A biocapsule designed for transport and storage of fragile therapeutic and/or biological products.
Myomar Molecular: The development of a Point of Care for Comprehensive Assessment of Muscle Health and Remote Monitoring.

The selected projects come from companies based in the Canadian provinces of Quebec, Ontario and Nova Scotia.

A total of $1.8 million to support Canadian know-how
With financial support from the Canadian Space Agency through its Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Education in Space Science and Technology, the Orbit Health program was a call for projects inviting specialized Canadian companies to submit their innovative solution, in order to validate their eligibility for a funding envelope of a total of $1.8 million. This sum will be redistributed to small and medium enterprises as well as non-profit organizations to support their projects.

Visual: Applications MD

A strong interest in space medicine
In total, 56 Canadian companies were interested in the program, 33 projects were submitted and 407 experts were called in to evaluate the projects. Each technological solution was then assessed by an Evaluation Committee made up of 49 evaluators from a variety of backgrounds.

‘’ Our team is proud and honoured to accompany these companies, located in the provinces of Quebec, Ontario and Nova Scotia, in their research for funding under the Orbit Health initiative, a major call for projects for the health of Canadians and astronauts. I would also like to express our deep gratitude to the Canadian Space Agency for this collaborative opportunity. Innovation in space medicine is crucial to the realization of exploration missions to the Moon and Mars. What we must also recognize is that these investments will enable cutting-edge technologies to meet real healthcare needs in Quebec and across Canada. Technologies developed for space, but with concrete uses for improving health on Earth.’’
Annie-Kim Gilbert, PhD, President and CEO of MEDTEQ+

About MEDTEQ+ 
MEDTEQ+, a pan-Canadian consortium for industrial research and innovation in healthcare technologies, aims to accelerate the development of innovative technological solutions to improve people’s health and quality of life. MEDTEQ+ supports the validation of these technologies, their integration into the healthcare network, their commercialization, as well as their local and international outreach, by bringing together the complementary skills of industrial and institutional partners and healthcare providers. MEDTEQ+ offers support, subsidies, and investment services to innovative companies. Since 2022, MEDTEQ+ has also been the bearer of the envisAGE initiative, which aims to catalyze the AgeTech ecosystem and stimulate technological development to support aging. MEDTEQ+ relies, among other things, on financial support from the Government of Quebec, the Government of Canada, the private sector, and complementary partners to foster research-industry relationships.

Information: Josée Laflamme, Communication Director at MEDTEQ+ or 514 909-0575